322 research outputs found

    The Inclusive University: Practices and reflections for student community well-being

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    Following the 2030 Agenda (UN, 2015), the growth of an inclusive culture in higher education contexts contemplates the strategic value of promoting the university community well-being, starting from each person’s contribution (Priestley et al., 2022). According to Article 30 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), providing opportunities to support study and university life means moving from a logic of needs to a logic of rights. In that sense, the University of Macerata promotes the psycho-physical and social well-being of its students, developing empowerment processes (Barbuto, 2018; Taddei, 2020) that guarantee a more equal participation in university life. In this paper, we will present the format Inclusion 3.0 which, starting from the “Voice” (Grion, 2017; D’Angelo et al., 2020) of university students with disabilities and SLDs (Giaconi, Del Bianco, 2018; Giaconi et al., 2018), embodies an innovative perspective for University as a place of well-being

    Inclusive University didactics and technological devices: a case study

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    This paper provides a review of projects related to new technologies used to favour the teaching-learning processes and the inclusive practices in the University context for students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Disorders. Authors present a review of strategies, trajectories and perspectives activated in the national and international scene, aiming to guarantee a significant pedagogical framework of reference. Furthermore, the paper focuses on a meaningful path activated at the University of Macerata, the project Inclusion 3.0, a relevant example of new technologies in support of teaching- learning processes and inclusion practices among all students

    Monitoring oral reading fluency in elementary school I

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    Assessment measures of oral reading fluency can be applied by teachers or education professionals and help to provide an overview of the academic development in reading of each student; and when these simple measures are systematically applied over time, they can be used to track a student's possible difficulties. Aim: This study aimed to monitor the development of oral reading fluency in students from the 2nd to the 5th grade of Elementary School I during the school year. Method: This study was approved by the research ethics committee (09575419.0.0000.5406) of the home institution. The study included 400 students from the 2nd to the 5th grade of Elementary School I from a municipal public school in the interior of the State of São Paulo, aged from 7 years to 10 years and 11 months. The Performance Assessment in Reading Fluency was applied. Reading fluency measures were performed by collecting oral reading of three texts of the same textual complexity in the months of March, July and November. For the analysis of each text, the analysis parameters of the types of errors made during reading were used, referring to words read correctly and incorrectly per minute. Results: The results were statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 22.0, with a significance level of 5% (0.050). With the application of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, it was possible to verify that there was a statistically significant difference in the groups of this study both for the total number of words read correctly in one minute and the total number of words read incorrectly between the third moment of the fluency measure in comparison with the first moment. With the application of the Mann-Whitney Test, it was possible to verify that there was a statistically significant difference, indicating that the groups had a lower number of words read correctly per minute in the first reading measure compared to the second and third measures. This same finding was found in the reading of misspelled words per minute. Conclusion: The results of this study allowed monitoring and accompanying in a simple, reliable and valid way, the progressive development of oral reading fluency, evidenced by the increase in the number of words read correctly and the decrease in the number of errors from the 2nd to the 5th grade of Elementary School I

    Effects of Uncertainty of Outlet Boundary Conditions in a Patient-Specific Case of Aortic Coarctation

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    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of blood flow are widely used to compute a variety of hemodynamic indicators such as velocity, time-varying wall shear stress, pressure drop, and energy losses. One of the major advances of this approach is that it is non-invasive. The accuracy of the cardiovascular simulations depends directly on the level of certainty on input parameters due to the modelling assumptions or computational settings. Physiologically suitable boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet of the computational domain are needed to perform a patient-specific CFD analysis. These conditions are often affected by uncertainties, whose impact can be quantified through a stochastic approach. A methodology based on a full propagation of the uncertainty from clinical data to model results is proposed here. It was possible to estimate the confidence associated with model predictions, differently than by deterministic simulations. We evaluated the effect of using three-element Windkessel models as the outflow boundary conditions of a patient-specific aortic coarctation model. A parameter was introduced to calibrate the resistances of the Windkessel model at the outlets. The generalized Polynomial Chaos method was adopted to perform the stochastic analysis, starting from a few deterministic simulations. Our results show that the uncertainty of the input parameter gave a remarkable variability on the volume flow rate waveform at the systolic peak simulating the conditions before the treatment. The same uncertain parameter had a slighter effect on other quantities of interest, such as the pressure gradient. Furthermore, the results highlight that the fine-tuning of Windkessel resistances is not necessary to simulate the post-stenting scenario

    Characterization of gaze in handwriting of High and Low Frequency Word of Schoolchildren with Dyslexia

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    Writing is extremely important for our academic and professional life and can affect our performance in productive educational activities, favouring us or not. Schoolchildren with dyslexia bring difficulties and reduced school performance due to their condition of deprivation in written production. This is because schoolchildren with dyslexia have difficulty acquiring spelling knowledge and show poor phonological skills. This study aimed to characterize the performance of schoolchildren with dyslexia in “gaze” for the handwriting of High and Low-frequency words. A total of 24 schoolchildren participated in the study. They were between 8 to 11 years and 11 months of age, of both sexes, and they were attending the 3rd to the 5th year of Elementary School in the city of Marília-SP. The schoolchildren were divided into groups: GI, composed of 12schoolchildren with an interdisciplinary diagnosis of developmental dyslexia, and GII, composed of 12 schoolchildren with good academic performance, paired with GI according to the school grade level. These schoolchildren were submitted to computerized handwriting evaluation using a Brazilian adaptation of the Software Ductus. All schoolchildren were submitted to a copy of words already selected according to Brazilian Portuguese criteria of frequency and codification rule. A measure of “gaze” was used, that is, when the schoolchildren stopped their handwriting to search/look up at the screen to confirm the information about the words. The results indicated a significant difference between GI and GII, with GI schoolchildren performing more gaze when compared with GII, i.e., taking longer motor breaks to perform the gaze. Therefore, there was a rupture in the central processing with the peripheral when the child performed the gauze more times since he had to confirm the characteristics of this word during the writing process (difficulty in accessing the orthographic lexicon) and with that, there was a break in the movement of handwriting (since there was not enough information in the central plane to complete that motor memory and finish the word). It was concluded that there were gaps between the central (orthographic) and peripheral (motor pauses processes, suggesting deficits in the formation of motor programs for GI and the lack of automation of motor processes

    Speed and pressure of handwriting as critical issues of the contemporary age: A research in Italian students in early literacy

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    Among the present critical issues that pedagogy and special teaching have to deal with it is possible to notice the contrast between writing and technology, up to the pertinent field of prevention and observation of dysgraphies. The authors present in the following article a study conducted in Italy aimed at evaluating writing, specifically in the speed and pressure parameters in early literacy using NeuroScript Movalyzer Software. The aim is to implement suitable research paths to support the dissemination of observation procedures and inclusive teaching practices, capable of enhancing the fluidity of writing by all students

    Atomic-Scale Insights into Semiconductor Heterostructures: From Experimental Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Interface to a Generalized Theory of Interfacial Roughness Scattering

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    In this manuscript, we develop a generalized theory for the scattering process produced by interface roughness on charge carriers that is suitable for any semiconductor heterostructure. By exploiting our experimental insights into the three-dimensional atomic landscape of Ge/Ge-Si heterointerfaces obtained by atom probe tomography, we are able to define the full set of interface parameters relevant to the scattering potential, including both the in-plane and axial correlation inside real diffuse interfaces. Our experimental findings indicate a partial coherence of the interface roughness along the growth direction within the interfaces. We show that it is necessary to include this feature, previously neglected by theoretical models, when heterointerfaces characterized by finite interface widths are taken into consideration. To show the relevance of our generalized scattering model in the physics of semiconductor devices, we implement it in a nonequilibrium Green's function simulation platform to assess the performance of a Ge/Si-Ge-based terahertz quantum cascade laser